<aside> 👉 As a Chapter/Hub Leader you are the ambassador for your area/region, with a goal of building local community and hosting local events at the intersection of Climate + Design.
Being a Chapter/Hub leader enables you to be a local design leader for climate action. Not only is it rewarding to bring people together with the knowledge that you are making a difference in the climate fight, but collective organizing is rewarding personally as well.
Our theory of change is that knowledge + community = action. It’s difficult to remain motivated and learn effectively when working in isolation. Learning and working together with a group is one of the best ways to replace climate grief with hope, and to be a part of creating community resilience and connection within your region.
Being a Chapter/Hub Leader also offers incredible opportunities for growth as a leader. You will become a skilled event host and community organizer. You get to bring your ideas to life for the benefit of your community.
You are part of a global community of change makers through the Climate Designers org. Many meaningful connections have been made amongst our volunteers, and many have furthered their climate careers while volunteering with us. We do what we can to support you on your journey.
Learn more about Who We Are .
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